Saturday, August 4, 2012

Implementation of a tree structure in OSX - Step 4

Continuation of the tree structure implementation ..

First select Tree Controller object that we created and add these information as below.

Then select the outline view in the MainMenu.xlb then add these information as shown.

This shows that we are binding outline view to the tree controller using the commandName of the TreeNode. (You can refer to TreeNode.m )

After that  select Tree Controller object and create the connection to the AppDelegate class. (You need to press ctrl key when creating the connection). Selecct treeController from the menu.

After that connect Appdelegate class to the Tree Controller as below. Selecct treeController from the menu.

Finally you have completed the implementation.

Then Build and Run the project. (Press Command + R)
You will have this...
I believe that this will need to somebody in someday just  like once I needed this .....

Implementation of a tree structure in OSX - Step 3 (NSOutlineView, NSTreeController, NSTreeNode)

Continuation of the tree structure implementation ..

Now we have to add a new class to create nodes for the tree structure.
We shall create a new Objective-C class named "TreeNode". The steps are shown in the screen shots below.

You can see the New class in the project navigator bar.

Now it's time to add relevant codes and make the connections.

Open the newly created TreeNode.h file.
Add the following code.

 #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>  
 @interface TreeNode : NSObject{  
   NSString *commandName;  
   NSInteger commandLevel;  
 @property NSString * commandName;  
 @property NSInteger commandLevel;  
 +(TreeNode *) commandDataName:(NSString *)commandName commandLevel:(NSInteger)commandLevel;  

 #import "TreeNode.h"  
 @implementation TreeNode  
 @synthesize commandName;  
 @synthesize commandLevel;  
 +(TreeNode *) commandDataName:(NSString *)commandName commandLevel:(NSInteger)commandLevel{  
   TreeNode *treeNode = [[TreeNode alloc]init];  
   treeNode.commandName = commandName;  
   treeNode.commandLevel = commandLevel;  
   return treeNode;  

Now command node creation in the AppDelagate.m class. (We added necessary codes for the header file in the previous article)

 #import "AppDelegate.h"  
 #import "TreeNode.h"  
 NSTreeNode *mainCommand;  
 NSTreeNode *subCommand1;  
 NSTreeNode *subCommand2;  
 static NSArray * generateCommandTree(){  
   TreeNode *treeNode = [TreeNode commandDataName:@"name" commandLevel:0];  
   NSMutableArray *rootNodes = [NSMutableArray array];  
   treeNode = [TreeNode commandDataName:@"Command 1" commandLevel:0];  
   mainCommand = [NSTreeNode treeNodeWithRepresentedObject:treeNode];  
   treeNode = [TreeNode commandDataName:@"Command 1.1" commandLevel:1];  
   subCommand1 = [NSTreeNode treeNodeWithRepresentedObject:treeNode];   
   [[mainCommand mutableChildNodes]addObject:subCommand1];  
   treeNode = [TreeNode commandDataName:@"Command 1.1.1" commandLevel:2];  
   subCommand2 = [NSTreeNode treeNodeWithRepresentedObject:treeNode];   
   [[subCommand1 mutableChildNodes]addObject:subCommand2];  
   treeNode = [TreeNode commandDataName:@"Command 1.2" commandLevel:1];  
   subCommand1 = [NSTreeNode treeNodeWithRepresentedObject:treeNode];   
   [[mainCommand mutableChildNodes]addObject:subCommand1];  
   [rootNodes addObject:mainCommand];  
   return rootNodes;  
 @implementation AppDelegate  
 @synthesize window = _window;  
 - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification  
   // Insert code here to initialize your application  
 - (void)awakeFromNib{  
   [treeController setContent:generateCommandTree()];  
   [outlineView reloadData];  

Now we have completed adding necessary codes to the project.
Shall we create necessary bindings in the next article .....

Implementation of a tree structure in OSX -Step 2 (NSOutlineView, NSTreeController)

To continue you need to add an outline view to the main window.

View -> Utilities ->Show Utilities 
This will show you utilities tool bar.

Type outline in the search field.
Drag and drop outline view on the main window. After that you can adjust the sizes and change the number of columns of the outline view.

After that the application window will look  like this.

In the project navigator bar you can see AppDelegate.h , AppDelegate.m and MainMenu.xlb files.

In AppDelegate.h file you need to add the following code.

 #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>  
 @interface AppDelegate : NSObject <NSApplicationDelegate>{  
   IBOutlet NSTreeController *treeController;  
   IBOutlet NSOutlineView *outlineView;  
 @property (assign) IBOutlet NSWindow *window;  
 - (void)awakeFromNib;  

Next we have to create the bindings between the relevant classes.
We need to add a TreeController class object to the project.

In order to add that, you have to search in the objects library (like you did for outline view).
Drag and drop it to the Placeholder bar in the MainMenu.xlb view.

Above the Tree Controller object, you can find the object that was automatically created for AppDelegate class. We will need the them sooner....

Since  this article is going to be too long, we will continue in the next article....

Implementation of a tree structure in OSX - Step 1

I had the requirement of implementing a tree structure for a command list. Since the resources available for this specific task is less in the internet, I thought of sharing this experience. I should thank the blog writers who had posted some valuable facts related to this.

Since this is my first article related to Mac OSX app development, I thought of starting this with some basics too. So, I will publish this as a series of articles. (Then it will be easy for a non-beginner to skip the basics and go for the necessary part easily)

Step 1
Create a project in Xcode

File -> New Project
Select Mac OSX -> Application -> Cocoa Application

Add a name (Command Tree) and tick automatic reference counting (for memory management purposes)

Select the destination to save and create the project.

When you finished creating the project you will have the project like this.

We will see further information about this in the next article..